We are excited to announce the latest addition to our legal services. Abi Nader Law firm has achieved a strategic business expansion into the USA – Florida by establishing its juncture and touch-point Abinader Consultants and Services LLC in Florida.

Our foremost goal is to satisfy our clients by providing best legal services in collaboration with well-known and reputable law firms in Florida in the field of immigration law.

Many immigration cases encounter obstacles and challenges that require sophisticated legal assistance to be favorably resolved. It can be difficult to determine how to properly prepare application materials or identify what options that may be available to you. Hiring a professional law firm can help you avoid making common errors and more efficiently access immigration benefits. We are committed to provide close assistance and consultancy for your U.S. Citizenship & Immigration (USCIS) applications, applications before the U.S. Embassy and Consulate for Immigration Visa, Green Card, Fiancé Visa, etc., with personalized guidance and comprehensive support at very affordable rates

Now in Florida-USA